Dans: Tcherkessia (till vänster)
Musik: Gadol Adonai
Great is the Lord / and greatly to be praised
In the city of our God / in his holy place
Great is the Lord / and greatly to be praised
In the city of our God / in his holy place
Stanza 1
I will come before your throne
The G—d of my joy
I give you the fruit of my lips
And remember the great things you did
Foor meee…
Avo EL Mizbak ELohim
EL EL Simkat Giliii
Akriv Prisfatay Lefaneyka
Ve Ezkor MaGdolot Asita
Gadol Adonaaaay / u meulal meod
Be ir Eloheynuuu / Behar Kodsho
Stanza 2
Hine Mishkan Elohim / Im Beynadam
Hema hiyuLo LeAm
Hu imkeh Kol Dim-ah meeynam
Vehamavet Keev Uz akah
Lohiyu oooood (prolonged plain oooodd)
Behold the tabernacle of God
Is now with man…
As his people, all nations will rise
He will wipe every tear from their eyes
And deathpain and mourning will cease
Foor ever mooore… (prolonged mooorre..)
Haaalleluyah / for the lord God almighty reigns
Haaalleluyah / Lord of host the almighty reigns
Haaalleluyah/ ki Malak Adonay Eloheynu
Haaalleluyah/ ki Malak Elohey itzvaooot… (prolonged pataas na vaoooottt)
Eloheynuu / Eloheynu Elohey itzvaoooot… (plain prolonged ang vaooot)
Rejoice oh my soul Rejoice /and give him Praise
Rejoice oh my soul Rejoice /and give him Praise
Nagila Venismeka / VenitenLo Kavod
Nagila Venismeka / VenitenLo Kavoooodd… (prolonged medyo pataas ang voood)
HAAAleluyah / Ki Malak Adonai Eloheynu
Haaalleluyah / ki Malak Elohey itzvaoooooot(pababa ang vaooot)
Haaalleluyah / ki Malak Adonai Eloheynu
Haaalleluyah / ki Malak Elohey itzvaoooooot(pataas ang vaooot)
Nagila Venismeka / Veniten Lo Kavod
Nagila Venismeka /Veniten Lo Kavooooood…(pataas na fading ang voooood)